Saturday, February 28, 2009

not long now

For once I think I have a reasonable excuse for being a slack blogger. Ali is 33 weeks pregnant with twins. I don't think I need to say anymore...but I will. I have been painting and getting stuff ready x2... two cots, two moses baskets, four baby bouncers, a double buggy... the list goes on but you get the idea. The good new is that we are ready, in theory. I would even say we are excited in a not having a clue what to expect kind of way. Ali has been a star. I struggle after eating a big Sunday dinner so I can't imagine what it has been like.
Just in case you were wondering they are not identicle. Seems obvious but you wouldn't believe the number of people who ask. They both have their own placenta and are beginning to fatten up, although I don't think there is much more room to grow.
Fingers (or legs) crossed they will have another five weeks in and then hello world...goodbye sleep. Who needs it anyway.

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jumping finn

Posted by Picasa a bid to catch up

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have bike will travel

Went round Dovestones and stopped for a cheeky hot chocolate in the woods.
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Finn watching himself on t.v.

Quite cute.