Monday, July 30, 2007

not a shell suit to be seen

life's a beach

i love picnics

the iron men and finn

Found some Mersey Paradise today at Crsoby and Formby. We visited the Anthony Gormley installation (which Oscar also enjoyed, there's not much to pee up normally on a beach!)
I'm just surprised that they are still there.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tour De Saddleworth

Finn got his first taste of cycling today. After a wobbly start we got the hang of it and made it round Dovestones Reservoir. Great days!!!!!

fat lip

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i love wednesdays!!!!!!!!!!!

because i...

cruise with my buddy...

have tea with nanna...

empty Mum's purse!

sogwy dogwy

oscar+roundhay park+fox poo=bath time

Monday, July 23, 2007

i can...

play guitar,

pull a funny face while listening to the radio,

shut the front door,

and put the shopping away!

down the tube...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

white rose

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

We picked, we nicked we saw blood and poop art. Great days!!!!!

14 months of Finn

Friday, July 13, 2007

I love baths me!

caterpillar collage

new shoes

Check out my cruisers! Got my first pair of shoes proper on Thursday! When Mum and Dad put them on I take them off! Great game.

what goes up...

The easy bit is getting up. How am I going to get down?

Steady Eddy...

Close your eyes and hope for the best...

We have touch down. Another safe landing!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

alfie is 1

A great day was had by all and even the sun made an appearance

Jas showed us his robotics

Alfie explored everywhere

Finn and Aunty Nettie

Upside down Maisie

Alfie on his birthday seat

Finn sampling the buffet