Monday, November 13, 2006

he's got the key to the door...

well a big red plastic one anyway. Finn is 6 months old today.

scream if you wanna go faster. shabba!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

If the shirt fits...

A long time ago (almost six months) Uncle Jas and Aunty Vicky bought Finn some dashing
Man U clobber. To say it was a little on the big side wouldn't have done it justice.
But that little skinny thing that was Finn is now a carrott munching 17lb bruiser.
Some things don't change though and sleeping is still his favoured activity.

Sorry Grandad and Uncle Trev :-(

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Up in smoke.

Finn experienced the delights of Bonfire night last night round at Dave and Shaz's allotment.
Sam and Rory had made a Guy and there was drink and food a plenty. Fireworks were overseen by Fireman Johnny and we all had a roaring time. Finn enjoyed watching the fire and the fireworks and wasn't scared a bit. This may have been due to the fact that he couldn't hear anything through his Eskimo baby grow.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dem bones

Finn's first halloween. I can see that lads ribs, get him a snorker!
Ta for the suit Dave, Shaz and Sam

Aaaarggggghhhhhh! No mask needed.

Autumn days

Enjoyed the last warm day of the year walking along the canal to Uppermill.
The trees had turned at last and the day was a corker.